Oh give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name, make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing Psalms to Him, talk of His wondrous works. (Ps. 105:1,2)
When we speak of God’s wondrous works, something happens in the spirit and in the natural. Jesus said that if He be lifted up He will draw all men unto Him. As we lift Him higher, we are lifted with Him and we soar above our problems, we mount up with wings as eagles. This very day make known what God has done in your life to all who you come across. Bless the Lord with your mind, your will and your emotions and with all that is within you, bless His holy name!
God uses our lives and our testimonies as living examples of His greatness. We display God in this earth to dying and blind people. This is why it is of the utmost importance to be good witnesses of Jesus Christ. What we do, how we treat each other, how we carry ourselves, speaks louder than what we say. We are to be love where there is hatred, peace where there is chaos and light where there is darkness. We are living in perilous and difficult times and this is the hour to shine brighter than ever before.
All of our tests in this life have brought us to the point of doing what we have been trained to do. Now go and show and tell of God’s wondrous works. How will people know about the great and mighty things God has done if it is never shared? How will hurt people know that there is a way out if Jesus is never displayed through our actions? Take time today to be Jesus to someone and watch God’s power flow through you!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello