Have mercy upon me oh Lord for I am in trouble. (Psalm 31:9)
In the darkest of night the light shines the brightest. It seems that in the deepest of despair, that hope displays greater. It seems that in trials that victory shouts louder. It seems that when tears are heavy, that joy in abundance is what is to follow. This one thing we know, that if God be for us than who can be against us?
Walk through your valley with hope in knowing that Jesus is with you. If Moses would have never walked through the water, there would be no promised land achieved. If David would have had no giant to face, there would have been no great victory over the enemy of Israel. If Jesus would have had no cross to carry, there would have been no salvation for us and no relationship with the Father.
During the time that we are experiencing heartache and pain, it is difficult to imagine what good can come out of it. What is wonderful to know as a Believer is that God is in control of our situations when our choices are in line with God’s word. Even if we walk out of line, if our heart is to obey God and submit to Him, then He walks us through and out of our consequences.
I have experienced the mercy of God in the midst of many troubles. It is our tendency as humans to fix our situations and to control our environment. We feel that if we can persuade a certain outcome that we will avoid an uncomfortable or negatively perceived ending. What I have learned is that the more we try to control our life, the more out of control our life becomes. The scripture rings that says,”trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” When we trust God and make Him known in spite of what we go through, He brings direction and guidance to us. It is as simple as that, yet so very difficult to do. When you have been hurt or abused in your life, trust is one of the most difficult choices to make. The constant that we have in serving Jesus is that He is trustworthy! When we trust God, our outcome is certain and on solid ground.
No matter what you are facing in life, no matter how hard or too burdensome, know this, the Lord is with you in trouble.
Pastor Michael Cannatello