Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (1 John 1:15)
One of the ways that we are enticed by Satan and our flesh is to put our affection and attention on something other than God. This is so easy to fall into because the love of the world has to do with the senses and emotions. Feel, taste, touch, sight and smell all conjure up appetites that lure us into feeding the flesh and its desires. When we look into a beautifully designed department store window, then enter into the store and touch the merchandise and smell all the sensual perfumes, we are enticed to purchase things to feed the lust of our flesh and the lust of the eyes, which puffs up the pride of life. Jesus was a man who was humble and not enticed by the world because He housed the love of the Father in Him.
Whatever is an obstacle for you to fully be immersed in the things of God needs to be placed on the altar and turned over to God. God is looking for those who will sacrifice the things that are so sacred to them. When we do this, we receive much more than we could ever imagine or think. When God asked Abraham for Isaac to be placed on the altar, Abraham was obedient unto the death of his son and in place God spared Isaac’s life by sending His only Son as a ransom for us all. God wants so deeply to bless us, but first we must give Him something to work with. There is no crop unless a seed is sown. Sow your seed of obedience today and watch God work wonders in your life.
Ask God to place His love in you in a greater measure to push out the desires that draw you to the world. He will do just that and you will be amazed at what happens. Just like the old song, “turn your eyes upon Jesus, look forward at His wonderful face. And the things of this world will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello