For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; in the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock. (Psalm 27:5)
There is a time of trouble as never before coming upon the earth. This is a victorious time for the church to shine bright in darkness. With all that we face with the economy, terrorism, food shortages, sickness and disease, we can have great joy in knowing that in these times of trouble, we can hide in His pavilion, if we know Him. Those who do not know Him but just know of Him do not have this great place to hide.
The church has a responsibility to help those in need and to show Christ strong in the earth. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, He will not fail. He is strong in battle. He is calling us to a closer walk and a deeper intimacy of fellowship with Him. In order to know His heartbeat, we must be close enough to hear it. If you draw nigh unto Him, He will draw nigh unto you. He will set you high upon a rock, a strong unmovable foundation in times of turmoil and tribulation.
If we look at the saints of old, we see a pattern in their lives; they had to overcome great obstacles and endure trying hardships. Paul on a shipwreck with his life threatened, Joseph in a pit waiting to die but instead carried off to be a slave, Job tormented by Satan and his children killed, John was first put in boiling oil before shipped off to Patmos, Stephen and James were both stoned to death by the religious Jews of the day and so on. So many have given their lives willfully and gladly for the sake of Jesus Christ and they were full hearted to do so because of their relationship with Him.
In having relationship with Him, trust is established. Who better to trust than the One who will never leave us nor forsake us. We have that promise from the Creator of all things seen and unseen.
The giants that you are fighting today are pulling for your attention so that your focus is shifted to them instead of on God. Place your mind upon Him and live in perfect peace. Trust in God!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello