They will fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you. For I am with you says the Lord to deliver you. (Jer. 1:19)
We clearly know that the enemy will fight against us, but we have a precious promise in knowing that God Himself will deliver us! We need never be afraid of being left alone. God never said that we wouldn’t have a battle but He did say that He’d see us through it. If you listen closely you can hear the heart cry of King David when he said,”Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for Thou art with me.”
Do not grow weary in well doing. Fight the enemy with the mind set that he is already defeated. What we are doing when we engage in spiritual warfare is enforcing the victory that Jesus has already won! We are enforcers!
There are battles that most people have been fighting for years and some would say that there is something wrong if the enemy isn’t fleeing because God’s word says to resist him and he will flee. My response is what about the thorn in Paul’s flesh? Also, the Bible says that Satan will flee, but it doesn’t say at once. Often, God will use the enemy to polish us to keep us in line for our own good so that we remain humble. God’s ways are higher than our ways and we are to trust in Him.
When you have done all you know to do, stand strong and do not waiver and keep fighting until you have your victory in your hands, because the provision for your victory has already been won for you by Jesus. Countless Believers have lost their battles by giving up. Their victories were literally one step away but the enemy lied to them and said that it would never come and they believed the lie. God is saying to you today,”Do not believe the lie!”
The truth is that the enemy will fight against you, but he will not prevail!
Keep fighting!!!
Pastor Michael Cannatello