But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me so that the message might be preached fully through me, and that all the gentiles might hear. Also I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. (2Timothy 4:17)
We are all here for a reason and a purpose. The enemy has tried relentlessly to take me out physically, emotionally and spiritually, but to no avail. God has always seen me through the darkest of days and He will see you through as well. Don’t give up! Through it all, the Lord stands with us and strengthens us so that the message might be preached fully through us. Our callings may be different, but they are all important. You were born to accomplish a task for our heavenly Father and Satan wants to stop us once we decide to follow Jesus. He is frightened of a determined Christian that is truly walking in holiness and has a desire to do the will of the Father.
All of us can truly say that we have been delivered out of the mouth of the lion time after time. God is faithful to His word and what His Word set out to do It will accomplish, It will not return void. To be delivered out of the mouth of the lion is a way of saying that Satan’s efforts to kill us has been snuffed by God in order so that what God wants to use us for, comes to fruition.
He wants to use your life in a mighty way for His glory. I have some advise for you today, and that is to stay in God’s will. In His will is His provision, His protection and His furtherance. When we walk out of His will, we walk out of His blessing. The absence of a blessing is a curse. Desire God’s best for your life and stay in His will. His will is sometimes not what we want at the time, but it is the best place to be.
You may be in the lion’s den right now but know that God has your way out. It is in the lion’s den that we develop a trust in God that we could have never had otherwise. Press into the Lord and the more you cling to Him, the less evident your circumstances become. You are being trained for great and mighty things in the place where you are right now. Be at peace and trust the Lord with all your heart, all your mind and all your heart and all your strength!
Whatever it is that you are facing, speak out to the Father, “Thy will be done!”
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello