Blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in Me. (Luke 7:23) A brother offended is more unyielding than a strong city, and quarreling is like the bars of a castle. (Prov 18:19)
The ease in which offense walks into our lives is very dangerous. Offense is readily transported by hurts, being misunderstood, jealousy, lack of communication, a poor relational foundation and the list goes on and on. No matter what the reason is, we as Christians do not have an excuse or a right to hold on to offenses. The good news is that when we do take on an offense that there is forgiveness and restoration in Jesus. God takes our failures and turns then into triumphs. He gives us the oil of joy for sadness.
Our character is matured when we weather offenses properly, by not receiving them. Every time we overcome being offended, we weaken the ability of our hearts to be overtaken by offense the next time it comes around. God brings us to where He wants us to be in life by us humbling ourselves and not thinking too highly of ourselves. I remember being in prayer one morning and so clearly the Lord spoke to me saying,”son, if you were to know what I have prepared for your life and ministry I have given you, you would not even believe Me. There are things still to be hidden so that pride can not try to kick you out of the position where I have already placed you. Be still and endure being overlooked, for you are not overlooked by Me. I have My eye on you and that is all that matters!”
I believe that is a word for you as well wherever you are in your walk with Jesus. When He spoke that to me, I was amazed and I finally understood. God was healing my soul. He was causing me to get to a place where the praises of men mean nothing, but the approval and recognition of almighty God was all that is needed. He wants all of us to reach that place where recognition of ourselves has no importance to us. There is a poem by Freda Allen that fits perfectly:
Blessed is he whose faith is not offended, when all around his way, the power of God is working out deliverance for others day by day. Though in some prison drear his own soul languish, till life itself be spent, yet still can trust his Father’s love and purpose, and rest therein content. Blessed is he who through long years of suffering, cut off from active toil, still shares by prayer and praise the work of others, and thus divides the spoil. Blessed are you O child of God, who suffer and can not understand, the reason for your pain, yet gladly leave your life in His blessed hand. Yes, blessed are you whose faith is not offended by trials unexplained, by mysteries unsolved, past understanding, until the goal is gained.
No matter who has wronged you, no matter who has overlooked you, no matter who has rejected you, no matter who has pushed you aside, know that God is working all of that for your good to launch you into your greatness in Him. You are called for mighty things, things in which you do not yet know. Your purpose is bigger than where you are right now and the time is coming to walk into what God has for you. The very ones who spitefully use you and cast you aside, will be the very ones that God will have come bow before you one day. When they do, show them the same love that Jesus has shown you. Do not repay them with unkindness, but show them how Christ loves through you.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres. Once we understand what love is, then we can know who love is and we can work on showing His love. None of us are perfectly there, but keep pushing toward the mark of true love. Offense will imprison you, while love will allow you to fly high!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello