When he has brought out all of his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger: in fact they will run away from him because they do not recognize a strangers voice. (John 10:4,5)
Jesus clearly was comparing Himself to a shepherd in these verses. He is the good Shepherd and we follow Him. There are many voices fighting for our attention, however the sheep that belong to Jesus know His voice. God never said we wouldn’t hear the voice of strangers. He said not to follow them.
With so many different doctrines and theologies being preached, sometimes it seems so difficult to know the truth, when actually the truth is simple and attainable. The truth and nothing but the truth is in God’s word. We can not trust the interpretations of God’s word by men, we must study God’s word for ourselves to show that we are approved, a workman not ashamed, rightfully dividing the word of truth.
We must daily cast down thoughts and imaginations that try to rise above the knowledge of God, and many of those thoughts have been placed there through believing false doctrines that we have embraced. In order to know the Father, we need to know the Son. In order to know the Son, we need to know the Word of God. In order to know the Word, we need to study it, not take someone else’s opinion of how they interpret His Word.
Ask the Lord to guide you to a balanced, good teacher of God’s Word who directs you back to His Word for answers. In order to hear His voice and not be misguided by the voice of strangers, get into God’s Word. His Word is powerful and it changes us from the inside out. God’s Word accurately targets things in our lives that needs to be changed and gives us the power to change through His grace. Get in tune with the Father’s voice!
Praise God for His never ending love and mercy. Who is like the Lord? There is no one!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello