To stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord and likewise at evening. (1Chron.23:30)
One of the most wonderful things in life is to wake up with Jesus on your mind. The Word says to give thanks with a grateful heart. What the heart is full of, the mouth speaks. When our heart is filled with God’s Word, we will stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord and likewise at evening.
Give God thanks in the beginning of the day and at its last for He is the First and the Last, the beginning and the end. We have so much to be thankful for. We understand the meaning of thanks, but we must also know that praise should be offered up to God which is an acknowledgement of His awesome might and power. Remember the beautiful scripture that says,”I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His courts with praise.” He loves to hear His children thanking Him and praising Him from their hearts. When we are in relationship with God, the very things that seem like commands to others, are actually love applications to us. We serve God out of love and in that love, we obey His commands.
There is a valuable lesson in knowing that the key to true satisfaction is having a thankful heart. Keep in mind that God’s word tells us that if we desire something and it is according to His will, all we need to do is ask knowing that He hears us. God’s will is for us all to have a thankful heart and attitude.
If you feel like you struggle with being thankful, don’t condemn yourself, but rather ask God to change your heart so that it becomes a thankful one. He will hear that prayer and start a shift from the inside that is undoubtedly Him. He will cause the heart of stone to become a heart of flesh. He will help you and change you. Always know that anything God asks us to do is never done by just us, He is a partnership God who works with us. Whatever you need, just ask Him.
Lord God we give You thanks and we praise You!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello