Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.(Col 2:15)
When Jesus dies on the cross and rose again on the third day, He removed the armament of principalities and powers. He literally stripped them of their weapons. Why then do so many Christians suffer at the hand of Satan? The answer can vary but a major cause is habitual sin or sin that is not repented from. Jesus did not annihilate the enemy, He disarmed him. Which means he still attacks. Even when we take a weapon away from a person, they can still attack with their hands, words, etc.. Satan still wonders around seeking whom he may devour. In order for him to devour, he must first be allowed to do so. A disarmed enemy will constantly try to regain strength through lies and fear tactics. The only power the enemy has is the power we give him through sin in our lives, whether it be doubt, fear, unbelief or anything out of God’s will being practiced. One of the other ways the enemy could come in is through a generational curse on the family line which the Lord speaks about in Exodus 34:7.
Whichever way the enemy has moved himself in, there is power living within us to kick him out! Jesus defeated Satan so we have the same victory! Ask the Lord how the enemy gained a foothold and confess that to God then repent and command the enemy to leave in Jesus’ name! Satan is defeated by the Blood of the Lamb, by the word of our testimony and by loving not our lives unto the death.
Act on what Jesus has already accomplished through His finished work by living the way He commands us to live. Living in sin shows to the world and to the kingdom of darkness that we are not placing our selves under the lordship of Jesus, which is rebellion. We need to live the way God desires us to live out of love for Him and then we will encounter great power personally and corporately for others to be set free.
There are less and less Christians living holy lives today. Every time we turn on the news or pick up the papers we are seeing the Church bow down and agree with sexual perversion and sin in general. Where is the light of the world? If we agree with the world then we will partake in the judgment of the world. What has light to do with darkness? Wake up and live the life that Jesus died for us to live, shake the sleep of your eyes to see the truth.
The great news is that no matter what we see, Jesus wins. Just make sure when He comes back that we are on His team and not deceived by Satan. Reinforce in your mind today that Satan is defeated!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello