Remember His marvelous works which He has done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth. (Ps. 105:5)
When God’s own people cry out to Him, He hears! Out of His love and mercy He sets us free. When we are freed and have eaten in the bounty of God’s freedom, many times we forget the marvelous works which He has done, His wonders and the judgments of His mouth. Let us not forget what God has done for us. His goodness and mercy are in hot pursuit after us all the days of our lives and then we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Every day make it a point to remember where God has brought you from, not to dwell on the pain, but to see God’s goodness in the land of the living, forgetting not all His benefits. One of the reasons why the Israelites fell away from God so many times was because they forgot everything that the Lord had done for them. It is human nature to acclimate to life, wherein forgetfulness to how we arrived where we are is usually the norm. The fact that this trait is prevalent in us shows that our flesh is also at enmity with God. We must daily crucify the flesh, take control of our mind and cast down imaginations that try to rise themselves above the knowledge of God and we must keep God’s word always active and alive in our spirits.
The more we put time into communicating with God and studying His word, the more we will remember His goodness and mighty works that He has done. The more we remember what He has done, the more thanks and praise we will give to Him because of who He is. Our experiences with God add greatly to our relationship with Him. If we don’t care to spend time with Him and we fail to remember His goodness, then we are lacking in intimacy with Him. Make a conscious decision to think on all the good gifts, the blessings and love God has poured out over your life and put aside the things that are not yet answered by prayer. Start thanking Him in the midst of your need and as you thank Him, you will see many divine answers come to fruition. The motive of prayer is love and intimacy, the fruit of prayer is power.
Every day when we wake up there is some type of regret waiting to be acknowledged. We can hear in the back of our mind a voice reminding us of where we have yet to go, what we have yet to do. This voice tells us that we are not good enough and not good at what God has called us to do. That voice is the enemy and the response to that voice is to start thinking on all the good things God has already done. Start reminding yourself of where you have come from and what God has mightily done in your life and then that small evil voice is silenced. We must combat the enemy with God’s word as Jesus did.
Remember God today by rehersing all the wonderful and mighty deeds He has accomplished for you and through you. Tomorrow has its own trouble. Live in today, remember yesterday to be thankful. Most of all, remember Him!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello