My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands; For length of days and long life and peace they will add to you. (Proverbs 3:1,2)
Here a father is instructing his son to honor him and what he says so that the son will have long life as is stated in the ten commandments. For many years I lived in rebellion against authority and my natural father as well. I had placed a curse of early death upon myself through disobedience, but thank God through deliverance and repentance that curse has been broken.
So many believe in this day and age that as Christians we can not be under a curse but that is not true. Proverbs 26:2 says that an undeserved curse can not come to light, however that leaves room for a curse if it is deserved. How is it deserved? Through disobedience, which is an open door, whether we know Jesus or not. God’s word is His word and He changes not. God sent Jesus, His Son who became a curse for us, but we must receive that gift and walk in obedience to Him in order to receive the blessings that flow from our Father. Knowing about something does not make it active in our lives, we must receive what God has for us but we must also put our faith into action for faith without works is dead. I will give you an example, I know there is a car in my drive way that belongs to me, but unless I take the key and drive, it is of no use to me. I have to put action to my knowing in order to make the car work.
When we receive God’s mercy and love and we act on what He has done for us, we then walk in His blessings for us. All God’s word is true and His commands and statutes are given for our own protection. Jesus Himself said, “If you love Me, you’ll obey Me.” That doesn’t mean we are saved through obedience, we are saved by grace through faith, but out of love obedience is birthed. God is so good and His love unmeasurable. Let your heart keep His commands for long life, length of days and peace.
If you feel at this point of your life that your walk with God is not at the level where you are obeying out of love for Him, just do it anyway. Remember that love is not a feeling or an emotion, it is an action, so actually once we start to walk in obedience to God, we are walking in love whether we realize it or not. The relationship we have with God grows over time just as any relationship does. There are key points in this relationship such as honor,respect and giving of our time. Start sowing into this great relationship we have with Jesus and see the blessings of God overtake you.
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello