My people will dwell in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings and in quiet resting places. (Isaiah 32:18)
Jesus is with us even in the midst of the storm. In the night season of your life Jesus tells you to fear not for I am with you. Do not be afraid of the voice of the enemy or be disturbed by his noise. The Lord of hosts will come down to fight for you, He will defend you, He will deliver you and preserve you. He will be with you through the fire and you will not be burned. The Lord will bring you into quiet resting places. It is through war that we can know peace, it is through brokenness that we understand wholeness, it is through turmoil that we grasp the peace of quiet. Be still and know that He is God.
Many times God will allow certain uncomfortable situations to remain in our lives for good reason. We learn to grow and develop good fruit from walking through painful days. Imagine if Jesus would have never chosen to walk through the pain and suffering that He did. Where would we be today? God’s word tells us that we are to be like Jesus. If we are to be like Him then we can expect to encounter difficult times in this life. Through those difficult times He will give us peace and quiet for our souls. We don’t have hopelesness as the world does, no matter what giant we face. Our God empowers us to cut off the head of our giants and slay them! Even Paul in the Bible spoke of how he was tormented by a messenger of Satan, a demon, in order that he remained humble. Sounds strange to think doesn’t it? 2 Corinthians 12:7 says,” Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.”
Whatever your destiny in life is, it has great impact on the expanding of God’s kingdom. If God didn’t spare His own Son trials, tribulations and sorrow, then why would would we be exempt? Be strong and courageous and stand firm in knowing that the good work He started in you, He is faithful to complete it!
No matter what you are facing, remember that in any battle, we as followers of Jesus, have the Spirit of God dwelling in us to bring us peace through the storm and quiet for our mind, will and emotions! #You can do this! #Stay strong! #God’s got you!
Pastor Michael Cannatello