Since you were precious in My sight, you have been honored and I have loved you; therefore I will give men for you, and people for your life. Fear not for I am with you; I will bring your descendants from the east, and gather you from the west. (Isa.43:4,5)
The Lord gave me this word in September of 2004. He told me that I would be moving to Florida from where I was living in California. I laughed like Sarah did when she was told she would have a son. Me moving across the country would be an impossibility. I had no money, no job, I was given a death sentence by the doctor and I was a drug addicted, alcoholic who was living in sexual immorality.
I look back now and I say, “Look what the Lord has done! He healed my body, He touched my mind, He saved me just in time!” God has brought me to a peaceful place, He delivered me from bondage and has caused me to prosper and be in good health as my soul is prospering. He has birthed a ministry and brought new and abundant life to my spirit.
If we obey Him, we will eat the fruit of the land. Believe God when He tells you something, His thoughts for you are for good and not evil, for a future and a hope. Boast in the Lord for He is so good and His mercies endure for eternity. You are precious in His sight and He does have beautiful and powerful things for you to do for Him. Seek His face for His will in your life. In these days that we are living, we can be a testimony of power and peace for the kingdom of God and for Jesus our King.
When we realize that we as human beings were the only ones that Jesus came to redeem, that out of all the other beings that have ever been, we were the ones He sought out to save, we realize His great love for us. He did not die for angels, He did not die for past pre-adamic beings nor for the Nephilim who were the giants that lived in ancient times. He did not come to save animals or any other life form. He came to save us! That is why the demonic world and Satan are so hateful towards us because of God’s great love for us. In Him saving us, He will redeem all of creation. He has a great plan and you are a pivotal part of that plan. The Lord says to you today,”You are surely precious in My sight!”
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello