He sent from above, He took me; He drew me out of many waters. (Psalm 18:16)
We can all look back to not so long ago and realize what Jesus has taken us from and what He has and is bringing us to. Stand today in amazement of His love, His mercy, His redeeming Blood and power! Truly, God’s plans for us are for a future and a hope and His thoughts toward us are for good and not evil! At one point we were all drowning in sin but Jesus saved and drew us out of many waters.
The Lord wants you to know this day that nothing is too difficult for Him and His arm is not too short to reach you. No matter how far you feel from Him, He is near to you. He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
One of the tactics of the enemy is to lure us into sin. If we fall to that sin and remain there, that is when the enemy comes in for the kill. Satan wants to cover us with shame. He lies to us and tells us that God no longer loves us, that God’s grace can not reach us. The devil is a liar! God’s grace reaches us in the most sinful places. Where sin abounds, grace abounds even greater!
What we are all searching for is for someone to love us without conditions. That person is Jesus. When we do have that encounter with Him, our lives change and we can leave the sin that had us bound because of His love, not because of condemnation. The only One who can change a man’s heart is Jesus. He is the One who draws us out of many waters!
Be reminded today that hope is present to save. Jesus is our hope!
Pastor Michael Cannatello