To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. (Psalm 33:19)
It is God’s word, the living word, Jesus that keeps our souls from death. Our mind, will and emotions will never die because of what Jesus has done for us on the cross! O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory? Jesus has removed the scorpion sting of death for us!
The times ahead are times of the unknown, but rest assure that the Almighty will keep us alive in famine and that His plans for us are for good and not evil, for a future and a hope. Governments shuffle and try to fix all that is happening and God looks down as He sits enthroned and He makes a way where there was none, truly a road in the wilderness.
Fear not for He is with us to deliver us. This is the time for the church to shine and be as she never has been. Kingdoms will fall, leaders will fail, monetary systems will crumble, fortunes will disappear but the wealth of the wicked belongs to the righteous. Church, our finest day is approaching.
Focus your mind on Him and rest in His peace. He cares for you and wants you to be freed from all worries and concern. We were not designed to carry all the stress and baggage that the enemy would like for us to bear. We are compared to sheep in the Bible and sheep are not burden carrying animals. Be free and know that God will provide where there seems to be no way and He will bless in times of lack beyond our comprehension.
Our finest day is yet to come!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello