“Look!” he answered,”I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” (Daniel 3:25)
We readily pray to be delivered from calamity when many times calamity is where God shows Himself strong for us. Jesus was strengthened by His forty days of war with Satan in the wilderness. The three young boys gained faith and favor through the fiery furnace. Joseph was made rich and second in command of the empire of the world after being betrayed and left for dead by his brothers and accused of rape and then he was wrongfully imprisoned. Paul was made to conquer though he had a thorn in his flesh, a messenger from Satan. David was made a king after he faced the giant of his life and beheaded him. Daniel was confronted with the lions den only to see God’s power deliver him to do great things.
No matter what hurt is brought to us by others, God is with us to deliver us. I have known the presence of God strong, when the presence of the enemy was letting himself be known as well. Through it all I have learned that God will allow hardships, pains and sorrows in our lives to prove Himself strong on our behalf. How would we know Him to be our Comforter had we never been uncomfortable? How would we know Him to be our Healer, had we never been sick? How would we know Him to be our Prince of Peace, had we never been tormented? How would we know Him to be the Lover of our souls, had we never been abandoned or rejected?
Be strong and know that through our God we shall do valiantly for it is He who has tread down our enemies. In times of trial, the enemy will see a fourth with us, who is Jesus, the Son of God. Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us for He loves us so much. The battle you are facing today is the very avenue that God is using to usher in your victory.
Only believe!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello