And I will give you shepherds according to my heart who will feed you with knowledge and understanding. (Jer.3:15)
We need the Good Shepherd, Jesus. He is the One who gives us knowledge and understanding. The Word tells us that in all our getting, get understanding and to apply our knowledge for that is wisdom. We must apply the truth that we know. God gives us what we need and it is our responsibility to use and work the things that God gives us. He will never give us more than we can handle, though at the time, it may seem so.
The loving Father that God is, causes us to triumph through Jesus. Sometimes in life we feel as if we have too much to conquer or our mountain is just too big, but remember if your mountain is big, your victory will be bigger! Whatever you face this day, our comfort is that Jesus is with us no matter what.
2 Corinthians 4:8-9 tells us that we are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted but not forsaken; cast down but not destroyed. Keep in your mind that no matter what, your best is yet to come.
There is something new and different happening in the times that we are living. Problems, terror, disease and natural disasters seem to be abounding but know that where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. We live in the time of grace. That grace will reach the deepest darkness in the most troubled of times to save, heal and deliver. How that grace abounds is through us as the body of Christ. We are to be the light, the hope and the peace to all, to win them to Jesus. Just hold on and watch and see what God will be doing shortly.
One of the gifts God has given us on this earth are shepherds or pastors. Ask the Lord to send you to a ministry that has a pastor after God’s own heart that teaches the word in truth. The pastor will teach you and help guide you in times of trouble and be there for you as Jesus would. Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find. First ask the Lord then seek out a good ministry to become part of so that you can learn and grow. Once you find the place where you should be attending, support that ministry with your prayers, finances and love. When God places us somewhere, we are to give as well as receive. During your time of asking and seeking, trust God and His plans and hold on to Jesus no matter what! Your best is yet to come!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello