But the Lord is with me as a mighty awesome One. Therefore my persecutors will stumble, and will not prevail. They will greatly be ashamed, for they will not prosper, their everlasting confusion will never be forgotten. (Jer.20:11)
When dealing with evil that is thrown our way, this scripture gives us hope. God reassures us that the assault from Satan will not prevail, it will not prosper. What will prosper is God’s word, it will prosper in what it set out to do. Many believe that Christians can not be harassed by an evil spirit. In spite of that falsehood, we encounter these attacks daily on our mind and life. The Bible calls Satan a relentless adversary. God’s word tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against these very demons that Jesus gave us dominion over through His blood! We have all authority in Jesus. We must realize that the very thing that we fight is being used as a stepping stone to get us to the next level in our walk with the Lord. When Jesus told Peter, (who was His friend), ” get thee behind me Satan”, He soon also called Judas, (the betrayer), His friend. Why? Because the very tactic of the enemy was enabling God’s plan for Jesus, for our salvation.
The spirit ruling Judas was not a friend of God, however, that evil spirit was being used by God to start the process of Christ being crucified in order that we could have eternity with Him.
God’s ways are not our ways! As we walk out our life with the Lord, we will be thanking God for using our enemies to bring us to the place where we needed to be. It is hard trials and pain and suffering that push us to our coronation. A crown is not easily attained except through trial. being resurrected anew is not achieved without first dying. The Lord says to us this day,”Be still and know that I am God in the midst of your trial!”
Allow God’s Spirit to reign in peace over you today. See the trial you are facing as an opportunity to grow closer to Jesus. If God knew you couldn’t make it through your trial, He would have never allowed it. You can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you. Be at peace in your battle and know that your persecutors will stumble!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello