Return and tell Hezekiah, the leader of My people,”Thus says the Lord, the God of David your father, I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears, surely I will heal you! (2 Kings 20:5)
This verse clearly shows the mercy and compassion that God has for His people. We have a healing covenant with God through Jesus that is much better than the old one! Even if we have done something in our lives to cause a disease or sickness through sin or eating wrong or if it be genetic, God is willing and able to heal us. Once we repent from our sins and confess them and renounce and break the power of generational infirmities, the healing can manifest in our lives. If you are facing a terminal illness or a mental disorder or anything you need healing from, God is able. Trust Him and cry out to Him, He hears our cries and sees our tears and He responds to the heart cry of His people. He is not far from us and He loves us. God responds to faith and to the desperate tears of His people and is moved with compassion.
It is so easy to place God inside of a box and say God’s word says He is moved by faith alone! Clearly we must search the scriptures to begin to understand the spectrum of ways that God works and moves. God healed Hezekiah because He saw his tears and had compassion. Our own relationship with God is just that, our own. What He may do and say to me may not be what He may do and say to another. God always manifests Himself according to His word and in His word He manifested Himself in each situation according to what He saw fit. Seek God with the destinct personality He has placed within you, not with someone elses.
If you are shedding tears over your own situation then don’t be ashamed to cry before God. If you are standing in faith for your situation, then stand strong. Whatever road you are on, He will walk it with you as long as the road is ending at the destination where He desires you to be. The ultimate goal is to look more like Jesus. Remember that even while you may weep before God and share your pain with Him, do it in faith believing that your prayers have been heard. God is moved by compassion and He is pleased with your faith!
The Teaching Ministryof Michael Cannatello