For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. (Matt. 16:25)
It can be a struggle growing up in a country of materialism and self gratification. Jesus clearly tells us that when we seek to save our life, we lose it. Finding solice and peace in the things of the world is a false hope. It is a lie that the enemy will allow us to experience to obtain something that is fading. It is when we lay our life on the altar of God for His purpose that we truly find ourself.
To find true life, we must lose it for Jesus. When we hold on to our lives, we are trying to save ourselves because of feelings of insecurity. If we live in insecurity, we naturally hold tight to anything that gives us a sense of being or importance. When we put our trust in Jesus and make Him our true security, we start to lose the desire to save our lives because our lives are grafted together with His.
When we become one with our King, the cares of this world fall off of us. We are frightened, lonely, insecure people with no hope of a future when we have our life in our own hands. When we lose our life by putting it in the hands of God, fear is cast out, lonliness has to flee, insecurity is exposed so that healing could come and we are given a future and a hope. Doing this is in direct opposition to what the world teaches. This world tells us to satisfy our lusts, cravings and desires. This world tells us to live to the fullest and to look out for ourselves above all. There is only one way to have a full and joyful life and that is by losing it for Jesus.
When we lose it for Him, we will gain it through Him!
The Teaching Minstry of Michael Cannatello