And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with grave clothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Loose and let him go.” (John 11:44)
Deliverance for people many times is a joint effort. When Lazarus was raised from the dead, he was delivered from the spirit of death. He still had on grave clothes and they had him bound. Notice Jesus didn’t undo his grave clothes nor did Lazarus have the ability to undo his own grave clothes. This is a lesson for us. When people are delivered from Satan’s power, many times there personalities have been stunted in their growth due to demonic influence. Jesus delivers from demons but grave clothes or old habits will still have the person bound. In order for someone to grow in who God made them to be, they need to be helped and loved by His people. They need to be covered in prayer and have there grave clothes removed for them so that they can run free. When someone is set free from bondage, and they are placed in your life, seek God on how He can use you to loose them.
God’s word tells us that we are one body in Christ, but we all have a part in the body. When we are all functioning in the proper position that God has for us in His body, we flourish and so do those around us. Some of us are workers in the body of Christ, some of us are called as evangelists, pastors, teachers and speakers. Some of us are behind the scenes, but all of us are called to help and love others to take off their grave clothes so that they themselves can take their rightful place in the body of Christ.
Ask God today to make you more aware of how you can help someone else get to their destiny in Christ. Be conscious of helping others. What you give out is what you eventually get. If you give help, you get help. If you ignore, you will be ignored. Do a little soul searching at this time and see what God would tell you about how you can be His hands and feet in this earth.
That is what we are in this earth, the hands and feet of Jesus!
Pastor Michael Cannatello