So Jesus stood still and called them and said,”What do you want Me to do for you?” (Matthew 20:32)
There is so much here to learn from this little verse. Jesus clearly knew everything that the man was seeking for, yet He asked him to speak out his request. It wasn’t that Jesus was being insensitive. Jesus wanted that person to speak out his request because there is power in the words we speak. There is a level of relationship that comes through communication between us and God. Many people don’t have a prayer life because they feel that God already knows what is needed, which He does. But clearly thinking something doesn’t nourish a relationship into strength, but communication does. If a man just thought to his wife and children that he loved them, then where would that marriage and family be? We are in covenant with God through Jesus’ blood and that relationship requires open dialogue between the two. God is pleased when we speak to Him as we are excited when we hear His voice in return. Develop a prayer life with the Father as Jesus did and ask of Him. He hears you when you speak with Him and He will hold back no good thing from you. If men who are evil know how to give their children good gifts, how much more your heavenly Father. Whatever is in your heart, speak it to Him, just let Him know.
Not long ago I was about to fall asleep and I started to think about what it would be like not having pain in my lower back, knees and hips. I was diagnosed with severe arthritis. As I was thinking this I heard the Lord say to me,”speak to Me about what you need from me.” I said,”Lord, you already know that I need healing in my body!” Then it hit me! I need to speak out what I want. There is power in my words! As I started to ask Him for healing, I heard the Lord say,”remove all artificial sweeteners from your diet.” The next day I did just that. As the days went by I noticed a drastic reduction in the pain in my back, hips and knees. The arthritis was being aggravated severely by the artificial sweeteners I was using. If I had not spoken to the Lord, I would have never known and continued in severe pain. God wants so much for us to communicate with Him because He loves us and has so much to tell us! Start talking with Him. He is the best listener and He is always available. Remember that we get not because we ask not, so just let Him know!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello