Joy Comes In The Morning

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

There was an old man who had only two earthly possessions left in this life, his house and his windmill. He lived on the flatlands of the mid west. One day a terrible storm had come and taken away both his house and windmill, all he had was gone. He was grieved and looked up to heaven and asked God,” why did You not protect me from the storm? The Lord said,”not every storm will be removed for your sake, for many storms are designed to bring you what you could never have achieved without them.” The man sadly walked away and in his spirit he heard a voice say,”look down the side behind your demolished home.” So the man went to look and he found an uncovered waterway glistening and in it was gold! The man quickly realized that without the storm, he would have never been able to see the water with the gold in it. He had become a wealthy man over night through the storm. He heard the Lord say,” weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

Whatever you have gone through in your life, or are going through, know that God is in control. I always asked God, why was I molested as a child? Why did I battle a life of sexual confusion and drug addiction? Why did I have to carry the burden of HIV and mental anguish? Why did I grow up with so much abandonment and sorrow? The answer is because the calling is great. The enemy will try to take out those who are the biggest threat to him. He tried to destroy me in so many ways and so many times that now I am amazed at what God has in store for me in His kingdom. God’s word tells us that what the devil meant for evil, God will turn around for our good!

What have you endured? Whatever it is, know that God is there for you to see you through and you will be better for it. His ways are higher than our ways. When the storm is over, your spiritual gold mine will be uncovered. Do not lose heart. Be encouraged today and say out loud,”weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

The very storm you are going through at this very moment is the same storm that will usher in your secret treasure! 

God knows what He is doing. Trust Him!

The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello