When Jesus heard that, He said,”This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” (John 11:4)
Many times in our lives we wonder why our prayers aren’t answered as we see fit. We ask, why all the pain? Why all the suffering? We look at our lives in portion, when God sees the whole picture. God does not cause disease or sickness, but obviously He uses it for His glory at times. We need to seek the Healer, not the healing. I suffered for most my life with many afflictions and now I’m beginning to see the fragrance that suffering brings. When we are out of God’s will, we are open to demonic attack, but that doesn’t mean God will not deliver us. He will deliver us when we have repented and His deliverance toward us is relentless.
Seek God’s will to be done in your life rather than to be comfortable. God is much more interested in our healing than our comfort. Most often being uncomfortable will make us appreciate much more, the peace that only Jesus brings. Keep in mind that in order to live, we must first die. In order to be delivered, we must first be in bondage. In order to be healed, we must first be sick. Whatever you are facing in your life today, let Jesus be glorified through your suffering. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord sees us out of every one of them! Afflictions and suffering are promised in this life. John 16:33 tells us, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
There is nothing in comparison to the bliss and constant joy unspeakable that we will inherit in eternity if we continue in the faith and stay true to Jesus until the end. Endure the hardships that you are facing this day knowing that the Redeemer lives and soon we are going home to glory where no sickness, disease or pain abides.
Do not give up and maintain your faith in God that His healing touch will be manifested in your life in the here and the now! Even King David needed to see God’s touch in His life on this earth when he wrote Psalm 27:13 which said, “ I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.”
Believe that you will see the goodness of the Lord in your life while on this earth! Praise Him through your battles and hold tight to His hand no matter what!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello