Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. (Eccl.4:12)
One of the tools which Satan uses to destroy a person is isolation. I have always been a person who loved people and socializing. When my life had become engrossed in depression, I spoke to no one and my only association with something other than myself was shame, torment and a spirit called death that constantly threatened my life through fatal diseases. The Bible says forsake not the gathering of the brethren as is the manner of some. The devil had me right where he wanted me, alone and a dwelling place for every sinful behavior imaginable.
When I made up my mind to run back to God, I ran to Him with all my sin, all my shame, all my addictions, all my anguish, and He wrapped me in His arms and loved me as He always had. I didn’t get cleaned up and then saved. I came back to Jesus and His Holy Spirit cleaned me up. When you go fishing, do you clean the fish and then catch it? That’s impossible. God does everything decently and in order. The main thing I had to do first was to get back in fellowship with the Father and the body of Christ. Jesus filled me with love and restoration and to my surprise, healing beyond my imagination. Jesus said,” draw nigh unto Me and I will draw nigh unto you”. Spend time with God and His family. We were not created to be lonely and isolated.
Jesus came that we might have life and life in abundance. The first letter in isolation is I, which is self centered, and Jesus wants you to think on Him and reach out to others. As we live out our lives to help and do for others, the needs we have in our own lives are supernaturally met. As you minister to others, you are ministered to. You can never go wrong by doing good to those around you. If you want all God has for you then spend as much time with Him daily and be around the Brethren so that you are supported and can support others. The body of Christ is a family and family is there for one another no matter what.
Isolation is a choice and isolation kills!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello