O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You healed me. O Lord You brought my soul up from the grave; You have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit. (Psalm 30:2,3)
We are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Lord Himself. He has crafted us after His own image and He knows best the intricate workings of our spirit, soul and body. Who better to run to for healing than the great I Am! When we cry out to Him He hears us and is moved with compassion. He does not rejoice when His children are suffering or in pain. He takes no pleasure in the heartache of His children nor does He bring them grief. He is the Healer who took all our diseases and all our sicknesses on His back. Do not receive infirmity. Once we receive something as our own, we own it!
Jesus has healed us and given us a testimony. We are chosen to bring forth fruit for His kingdom while we are here on this earth. Many are called but few are chosen; many feel God’s call on their lives, but few respond. Do not be the many, but rather be the few. Your reward is great, labor on out of love for the King! Know this today, that you are chosen and He has saved you from the pit so that you can testify to His goodness. Speak out what David the Psalmist said,” I am still confident in this, that I will still see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.”
Today the Lord wants you to acknowledge Him in everything you do and say. Start making a habit of thinking about Him constantly and watch your problems go from being a giant to being a dwarf. When our mind is concentrating on Jesus, peace resides in us. Do not depend upon yourself for your strength but lean on the mighty arms of our Heavenly Father and sink into His love and kindness. Enjoy your time in the land of the living and if your still waiting and believing for your healing, keep knocking and keep asking. Your answer is in transit from heaven!
Pastor Michael Cannatello