O Lord revive your work in the midst of the years! In the midst of the years make it known. (Habakkuk 3:2)
So many times in our lives God has gives us precious promises, but the waiting is almost intolerable. Patience is one of the fruits of the Spirit and the outcome is always beautiful. His promises are yes and amen. God is ready to perform His word, He is doing a new thing in His church and we are blessed to be part of it.
Be of good courage and call out to God and ask Him to make it known in the midst of the years. If you are standing on God’s promises and have not yet seen them come to pass, then choose to be like Abraham. He believed God in spite of not seeing the promise yet fulfilled and he was credited for it as righteousness.
Once we doubt the word of God, we remove our faith attached to that word which is the power to make that word come to pass. This is why the enemy will always tempt us to lose faith so that we never see the fruition of God’s promises. Stay steadfast and strong and believe what the Lord has told you. Believe what God has promised you will come to pass in the midst of your years.
I believe the Lord is speaking to you this day to hold onto your promise. Do not waiver in your faith. God will come through. The receiving of your promise is the closest it has ever been. Keep believing and know that God will come through!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello