It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. (Psalm 118;8)
It is so easy to trust in man but when we trust in man and not in God, things only turn out for the worst. If you come from a childhood background of being molested, as I was, trusting can be a major issue. I trusted in friends and was betrayed. I trusted in money and was deceived. I trusted in drugs and was robbed of a future. I trusted in the pleasure of sin and contracted HIV. When I turned my life over to Jesus and truly learned to trust Him fully, my life changed. He never lets us down and He starts a process of restoration and healing in our lives. He loves us so much and through that love we can find it easy to forgive all others.
Let’s look at the definition of trust: a belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective.
In the process of learning that we believe that God is reliable, good, honest and effective in and for everything, we can be healed, restored and cleansed. He can take anyone that is lost and make them a shining treasure for His glory. God is looking to take what is broken and wasted in your life and make it whole and of great value. Follow Him, trust Him fully and obey Him and watch Him work miracle after miracle, healing after healing for you in your life.
In God We Trust!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello