How Great Is Our God

God the Father 11For the righteous God tests the hearts and minds. (Psalm 7:9)

Would a good teacher not test their students on what they had learned? Our God tests our hearts and minds for our own good and the good of His kingdom. God has given us His indwelling Spirit to be our Teacher so we have all we need to succeeed. We have this treasure in earthen vessels. If we do fail any of the testing of the Lord, we can get back up again. His word tells us that a righteous man falls seven times but each time he gets back up. God is the God of a second chance and a third chance and a fourth chance……….

If God wouldn’t test us then how would we know if we learned what He is teaching us? There is no greater teacher then God’s Spirit and no greater instructor then God’s Word, who is Jesus. His love has been shed abroad in our hearts through His precious Holy Spirit and that very love will empower us to continue on no matter how difficult a test we are facing!

In this time that we are living, many believers are being attacked by the enemy and also going through trials and afflictions, but count it all joy because of the great joy set before you. Walk through this trial as the Hebrew boys walked through the fire. Hold Jesus’ hand and come out stronger, with deeper faith without the smell of smoke and with garments untainted by the fire. War on warrior, war on. Tests are meant to better you, not destroy you. You will soon be able to look back at your testing and say,”How great is our God!”

Pastor Michael Cannatello

The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello