There we saw the giants, and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.(Num.13:33)
When our mind is renewed by the washing with God’s word, we can see ourself as God sees us. In His sight we are holy, redeemed, full of His Spirit and more than conquerors through Jesus. When we see ourselves as He sees us is when the enemy will know that he must back off of us and flee. Remember the scripture, submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee. Submission to God is obedience to His word and ways and in that submission we can see ourselves as mighty warriors because of God’s Spirit that dwells within us. When we are not walking in obedience to God, the devil does not flee! When the scripture speaks of submission, it is about trust, not control.
See yourself today as God sees you and make no place for the devil. If the enemy can persuade us to see ourselves other than what God sees us as, then our effectiveness for God’s kingdom will be diminished greatly. We are seated with Christ Jesus in heavenly places and our King has given us His name, His power, His blood, His Spirit and His Word to conquer, tear down and destroy the works of the enemy. Rejoice today for you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and greatly blessed, so see yourself as so. You will never rise higher than how you see yourself, so see yourself as Jesus sees you!
You are not small like a grasshopper, you are mighty through God!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello