Miriam the prophetess, Aaron’s sister, took the timbrel in her hand, and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dancing. 21 Miriam answered them,“Sing to the Lord, for He is highly exalted; The horse and his rider He has hurled into the sea.” Exodus 15:20-21
I recall a few years ago when I woke up in the morning and as I opened my eyes, I was singing, “The horse and rider thrown into the sea. The Lord is God and I will praise Him, my Father is God and I will exalt Him. The Lord is God and I will praise Him, my Father is God and I will exalt Him!”
“How odd”, I thought to myself! I haven’t heard that song since I was a little boy. Why would I wake up singing that song? Then I realized that I had been singing that song in my sleep during the night due to a dream I was having. From what I remember , the dream showed me being chased by a faceless army, they were out to kill me. The odd thing about the dream was that instead of me running in fear, I was glancing back at them chasing me and I was singing this song that Miriam sang after she saw the Egyptians being drowned in the sea.
Egypt represents our past, it represents Satan, it represents the spirit of the world, it represents temptation, it represents armies of demons. The truth we need to realize is that God will cause the spiritual Egyptians, the temptations, the demons, Satan Himself, to be thrown into the sea behind you!
Whatever has been sent by the enemy to chase you down to destroy you, will be destroyed itself by your praise to God! Your praise has the power to bring death to Satan’s plans for your life. Your praise to Jesus confuses the enemy!
The insurmountable giant you are facing today, that giant that is chasing you, can not out run the judgment of God! While you are enduring your warfare, sing praises to God! Take time to sing out loud the very same song that Miriam sang thousands of years ago that reminded the Israelites of the great victory God gave them, and claim your victory in Christ Jesus!
I Will Sing Unto the Lord For He Has Triumphed Gloriously
The Horse and Rider Thrown into the Sea
I Will Sing Unto the Lord For He Has Triumphed Gloriously
The Horse and Rider Thrown into the Sea
The Lord, My God, My Strength My Song
Has Now Become My Victory
The Lord, My God, My Strength My Song
Has Now Become My Victory
The Lord is God and I will praise Him
My Fathers God and I will E-x-a-l-t Him
The Lord is God and I will praise Him
My Fathers God and I will Exalt Him!
God is telling you right now that what was designed by Satan to torment and take you out will become the very testimony that cuts off the head of the enemy!
Pastor Michael Cannatello