The Lord is not slack concerning His promises. (2 Peter 3:9)
God is not like man that He should lie and His promises are yes and amen. When God says something, He does it. It may not be in our timing or when we would like it, because He knows the end from the beginning. His timing is best.
There are many things that I am waiting to be made manifest in my life that God has promised. His word tells me that by His stripes I am healed, so I await full restoration of health in my body. God’s word tells me that I have the mind of Christ, so I await the manifestation of that word to the utmost in my mind which is part of my soul. The soul is a work in progress as we grow in Christ. God’s word says that His joy is our strength, so I count on His joy daily to strengthen me through all that life tosses my way.
When we receive prophecies or promises from God we must fight to see them through. 1 Timothy 1:18 says,”Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them, you may fight the battle for them well.” We must fight for what God has spoken over us because Satan hears those words as well and sends his army of evil to resist the word of God over our lives.
God is faithful to His word, our part of the process is patience and long suffering which are fruits of God’s Spirit. Be strong and of good courage and know that the very thing you deal with and walk through are the same things that your brethren walk through around the world. You are not alone! Be encouraged and know that God is faithful to His word and He keeps His promises. Fight for what is already yours and watch God’s promises be fulfilled in your life one by one!
TMMC-The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello