Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I may not sin against You. (Ps. 119:11)
The word of God says to study the word to show yourself approved, a workman not ashamed rightfully dividing the word of truth. The word study in this verse is translated as “rehearse”. When we rehearse God’s word in our hearts, it keeps us from sin and brings life to us. In today’s society we have every version of God’s word, which is great, but in countries where the word of God is forbidden, they hide His word in their hearts. It’s God’s spoken word that gives us life, but first it must be hidden in our hearts to be spoken. God’s word says what the heart is full of the mouth speaks. To truly know God takes intimacy with Him. How we have intimacy with Him is through relationship built on prayer and trust. We have access to the Father through Jesus Christ.There is no other way to the Father except through the Son. Jesus is the living Word. When we hide God’s Word in our hearts, we are literally hiding Jesus in our hearts that we may not sin against the Father. This is why attending a Bible study is so important for our Christian walk, so that we know the word in truth.
Above denomination, above doctrine, above theology, above ideology, above all, comes our relationship with Jesus. Simply put, there is nothing more important, more precious or more valuable than knowing Jesus Christ intimately.
We are to be Jesus in this lost world. When Jesus was on the earth, He could only be at one place at a time because He was in a physical body like we are. He is more in the earth today than ever before because each of us that know Him are Him in the earth. He was the seed that was sown so that many would be. He Himself said to the Father,” I in them as You are in Me.” This great force of power is working in the earth to change this world for Christ and give Him the reward that is promised to Him. Knowing His word and having it living in our hearts facilitates the power that He granted us by having His Holy Spirit dwell in our lives. Fill your heart this day with His word and watch transformation and miracles happen!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello