Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it. (Colossians 4:17)
When we try to accomplish things or walk into a ministry that is not ordained by God for us, we open doors that should never have been opened. It may be that we are sincere in our motives, however we can be sincerely wrong. God’s Spirit guides us, and where He guides, He provides. If there is no provision and no anointing, then that is a recipe for disaster. The enemy would love to trick us into laboring for something that God never intended us to do. If we listen to our flesh or the enemy, then we are greatly misguided.
My sheep hear My voice says the Lord and the voice of a stranger they will not follow. Be content in what God has called you to do however great or simple it may seem. There is a reason why God has called you for whatever purpose He has. To be called by God for a purpose is enough reason to fulfill that calling and the empowerment to fulfill it comes with the calling. His grace or His power is sufficient for you.
If you are called to usher then do it well. If you are called to sing then sing from your spirit for those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. If you are called to clean the church then clean it as if it were your own house. Do all as unto the Lord. Don’t covet someone else’s calling or anointing because if you are faithful in little, God will make you faithful in much. Whatever ministry you have received from the Lord, fulfill it.
I believe that even as you read this that God is planting the foundation for your ministry, whatever that may be. He will send you the people, the finances and give you the vision. He will anoint you, appoint you and promote you to the task He has placed before you to accomplish for his kingdom. It is all about Jesus, not us. In it being all about Jesus, He uses us to do His work in this earth. We are the vessels He chooses to use to further His kingdom in this earth. Jesus is the treasure in this earthen vessel.
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello