Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. (Ephesians 3:20)
Most times when we pray, we pray and believe for the most evident and convenient of answers. We must up our faith to believe what God can do which is exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think. Our prayer life must soar in order for our answers to soar. We get not because we ask not and when we do ask, we ask amiss. We should be asking for God to bring our country back to Him, not just our homes. We can bombard heaven with targeted prayers for Israel and for the waking up of the church, for supernatural intervention in our finances and the opening of our eyes so that we would be alerted of the enemy’s tactics before the assault is launched. Part of our duty in Christ is to fight the kingdom of darkness and prevail. Let’s start to focus our asking on what God would want us to ask rather than just our desires.
I have learned a priceless gold nugget of sorts in my prayer life with the Father, to ask, ask, ask! Asking over and over again doesn’t mean we are lacking in faith, it means we are being obedient. In Luke 18:5 , it tells of a widow constantly asking an unjust judge for her need. She plagued him with her pleading until finally he said to give her whatever she wants! This is there to show us if we ask and keep asking our God, the ultimate and merciful Judge, how He will answer us. God is kind and severe. Severe to those who disobey and kind to those who continue in truth (Rom.11:22). Be one who continues in truth and asks Him out of a pure heart without doubt.
I have seen the answer to many prayers come to fruition in the past few years that have been prayed to God for many years. Answers to prayer are in His timing not ours. He gives us what will help and forward us, not what would hinder and hold us back. When we do not see an answer to prayer in a certain area, remember that delay may not be denial, it may just be wrong timing. It is according to God’s will, not ours.
Father knows what is best for us. Trust Him not only with your petition but also with the answer. Keep knowing and believing that He can surely do all things!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello