Great deliverance He gives to His king and shows mercy to His anointed, to David and his descendants forevermore. (Psalm 18:50)
How alive and real the word of God is. He has surely brought great deliverance to our lives and has poured His mercy on us. God is the God of new beginnings. He is our restorer. No matter what you are facing today, God’s desire is that you would call upon His name and He will visit you with deliverance.
So many are crying out to God for for freedom from addictions, fear, mental anguish, sexual brokenness and torn, fragmented souls. God takes hearts that are saturated with heaviness and He removes the burdens and breaks the yokes of bondage. When we are at our end, God makes new beginnings. He has gives us beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for sadness. There is none like Jesus. We can be whole, free, at peace, clean and full of the joy of the Lord. We are now alive to be for Him where as previously we lived for the pleasures and things of the world.
God is real and in the business of restoration. Surely He bore our sorrows and He will visit us with great deliverance. He not only said that you would be delivered, but greatly delivered! We have something to shout about, Jesus is alive and we serve a mighty God. Our part in this is to walk in full obedience to His word. We do this out of love, not obligation.
There is safety in His word and great deliverance!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello