In the Lord I put my trust. (Ps.11:1)
As we walk through this life on earth, there will be many difficult and trying seasons. There will be times of sorrow and pain, times of sickness and death. We still live in a fallen, sin filled world but God’s grace is present where there is much sin, for where sin abounds grace abounds more. We are the light in this world for people to see. How we live our lives demonstrates Jesus to people. Jesus is physically in heaven but His Spirit resides in those who follow Him. There are millions of representatives of Jesus in the earth through those who have His Spirit dwelling in them.
Living like Jesus in this world requires trust in Him. Our full trust must be in Jesus Christ no matter what situations look like. Through every heart ache and pain our whole being must trust in the everlasting arm of the Father knowing that He is good in spite of what we may feel. Our life may not turn out the way we thought it would have, but God turns everything out for our good if we love Him and are called according to His purpose.
Always remember to give thanks for what He has done. Being thankful places pavement on the spiritual road for the next blessing. Forgetting what God has done sets us up for disaster because then we lose heart. Psalm 103:2 says,” bless the Lord my soul (my mind, will and emotions), and forget not all His benefits.”
Start to think back today on all the wonderful things God has done for you. Give Him thanks and praise and place what still needs to be done on the altar and trust in the goodness of God and His love for you!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello