“Jesus took the sins of everyone once and for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit.” (1 Peter 3:18)
Let’s look at the word exonerated. The meaning of exonerated is to be freed from blame or wrongdoing. Let me tell you a true story concerning the mercy of God. Around 2005, when I was living a life of rebellion and sin, I was arrested for stealing a car and driving it while high on meth with a suspended license. The night I was arrested I was out looking to have the time of my life just like the prodigal son. I had spent my inheritance and found myself eating with the pigs and sleeping in the pigpen. When I was put in jail that night, it was my first time and I was scared, sick with diseases and coming down off of drugs looking for my next high. The next morning I finally was given permission for a phone call and I called my Dad who I was estranged from. “Now I know what the prodigal felt like,” I said, as I called my father. He came hours later and bailed me out and there was a look of let down on his face that I will never forget. My inside shouted,”you have been a failure your whole life and now you’ve just proved it. Both your brothers are Pastors, your sisters are married with families and you have amounted to a drug addicted, sexually confused, disease filled nobody!” That inside voice that I chose to believe was the enemy of my life speaking loud and clear. I just didn’t know it then.
To fast forward, I was released from jail with a court date to see a judge to be sentenced to prison for robbery, drugs and driving with a suspended license plus outstanding warrants. The day finally came and I sat in the court room awaiting my sentence wondering how I was going to be able to handle being in prison and detoxing after daily using drugs for decades. I was filled with fear and hopelessness and hatred toward myself. I was so ashamed of what I had made of my life. As the judge called out cases, those being given sentences had lawyers and their lawyers would negotiate the sentences with the judge. I had no lawyer so the court appointed me one. One who knew nothing about me. My lawyer was not my friend. I had noticed after hours of sitting in the court room that the room was almost empty. I had figured they saved the worst for last. While waiting, I was praying and asking God to do a miracle for me knowing still that I was addicted to drugs and not ready to give them up, so I figured why would God help if I cant even promise never to use drugs again. I was totally void of hope and blinded to any future. Next thing I knew, I look up and it is only the judge, myself, the lawyer and the bailiff left in the court room. I stood up and the court appointed lawyer walked back in the room and approached the judge with me to get my case over with. The lawyer told the judge my charges and that my plea was guilty to all. The judge looked back at me and said, “Sir, this is your lucky day. This court room has no record of your arrest or any charges made against you.” I said,”but my father just bailed me out of jail. They took my fingerprints and my mug shot. There has to be a file or record of that surely.” The judge said, “Mr.Cannatello, you are fully exonerated! Go home.” At that moment I knew I wasn’t lucky but that an intervention was made by a lawyer named Jesus, the Advocate! I was amazed and I wept with thanksgiving to my heavenly Father. I saw God’s heart toward me for the first time. I understood what forgiveness looked like. I felt like I was loved for the first time unconditionally. The next day I found myself back using drugs after I had inwardly made a promise not to use, but I was hooked, bound by Satan. What was amazing to me was that God knew the choices I would make and He still let me go free. What I came to understand was that God was looking at my heart, not my sin.
From that point on my mind was changed about sin. I didn’t want to live in it anymore so I started fighting against it. It took years of warfare and now I’m on the other side. I have won the battle and now helping others to be freed. I’m amazed that I am now a Pastor myself. The reason of this story is to show that God judges us on what His Son did for us once we put our faith in Him. We are no longer seen as unrighteous in His sight if we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Isn’t it wonderful to know that you and I are exonerated, seen as blameless and innocent because of Jesus. Spend time today to thank Him for all the times He bailed you out. Without Him, we would all be sentenced to an eternity of incarceration separated from God.
Jesus, we give You thanks and give You our lives to do what You please. There is no one like You!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello