The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them.(Psalm 34:7)
The precise formula for having God surround our entire life in every area is to fear Him. To fear Him is not the fear that is related to the enemy’s kingdom but rather a fear of His awesome might and glory, to respect and honor who He is and to know that His commands are given to us so that we are protected from the power of the enemy. If we fear the Lord, we will stay away from sin and therefore close the door to the enemy.
We need to show the Lord His due and if we truly understood fearing Him, we would walk in better honor of His word. I have experienced walking on the slippery slope of sin and the church telling me God loved me, but never being told the truth of what living in sin would do to me. Sin is a murderer and a silent one at that. Love tells the truth, it doesn’t ignore the obvious. The fear of the Lord is the very foundation to wisdom and having a strong foundation is essential for a lasting and intimate walk with the Lord.
Proverbs 14:26 says,”In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.”It is in the fear of the Lord that we stand in strength and find safety. Do not listen to those who speak against the fear of the Lord by saying this is not true love. True love will fear and revere God for who He is and in fearing Him properly, we find much safety and solace. Trust God’s word, not man’s opinion of His word and rest in the comfort of being under the shadow of the almighty God! Those who fear Him, have His angel to encamp around them and it is beautiful to be encamped by God’s angel!
Ask the Holy Spirit today to give you understanding concerning the fear or reverence of God. In receiving this understanding, you will have a life change and also embrace the love of God which goes beyond all understanding. There is a balance with knowing God.
There is balance in honoring Him and knowing Him as a friend, in His severity and His kindness, in His love and His acceptance and in having reverence toward Him as well as intimacy. Seek balance in knowing God and experience His greatness!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello