Let lying lips be put to silence, which speak insolent things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous. (Psalm 31:18)
Satan is the father of all lies. When he speaks to us through our thoughts or an audible voice, they are lies! He speaks proudly and pride is what caused him to be thrown out of heaven. He uses the same tactics over and over again because obviously they still work with people. But we have God’s word and through the Blood of Jesus we overcome!
God’s word tells us that Satan is a relentless adversary which means he never stops trying to destroy us. The reason why God forewarned us of the devil’s tenacity was so that we can be on alert for the attacks by him and also be on the offensive, not just the defensive. Spiritual warfare is not always blood and sweat, sometimes it is being constantly aware of where certain thoughts are coming from and knowing how to deal with them correctly. 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to take down every thought that tries to rise itself above the knowledge of God, to literally take it into captivity. When I was dealing with stinking thinking, I first had to realize that any thought that I felt I had no control over, was not my own ,but rather an attack from the enemy. I first had to recognize my adversary in order to fight him. Once I realized where the thoughts were coming from, I would at once fight the thought in my mind by reciting scriptures in my head. As I continually did this, the very thoughts that were trying to control me were placed in a prison of sorts. I had taken those thoughts captive in Jesus’ name. I was doing God’s word and God’s word always works!.
God never created our minds to be controlled by evil. How that starts is by us looking at things that are not godly such as bad television, pornogrophy and anything that excites lust or murder or death. Our eyes, ears, mouth and noses are all entry points that need to be guarded at all times. Be careful what you look at and listen to. Be careful what you place your hands on and allow in your minds. If you don’t give the enemy an entrance point, you won’t need to fight him to get him out of your head!
Satan’s favorite way of speaking to us is through our thoughts, if you realize it is him quickly, you can take authority to evict him. The next time the enemy speaks to you just turn to him and say,”in Jesus’ name, devil-shut up!”
Pastor Michael Cannatello
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello