We walk by faith not by appearance.(2 Cor.5:7)
It wouldn’t be faith if we trusted in our feelings. If we trust our emotions, we will be down one minute and up another. Thank God that He is the same yesterday, today and forever! He is God. He changes not. God is our security. The results of walking by faith are peace, joy and a relationship with Jesus that is built on the surest trust. We can depend on Him for everything.
The faith walk is a difficult but rewarding life. Our faith pleases God and moves His power upon us. Faith and belief are often confused as the same thing, but they are not. Belief is using our minds only, faith needs actions attached to it or else it is dead. Let me give you an example. I can believe that a light switch will work, but it is my actual turning the light switch on that produces light. My faith in the light switch produced an end product by applying action by turning the switch on. It was not my belief that turned the light on. This is why the Bible tells us that even demons believe in Jesus and tremble. Demons are not saved but yet they believe, however demons are not beings of faith because they do not worship or serve God. When Jesus said,”when I return, will I find faith in the earth?”, He asked if He would find those who would be faithful to Him, not just believe in Him. When faith is spoken about in the Bible, most times the true translation is faithfulness which includes works. Yes, our works are an important part of our relationship Jesus. Jesus is demonstrated through us as believers so therefore our actions or works must show Him in us. Faith without works is dead. Start exercising your faith today and use action to prove it! When Jesus returns, He is looking for faith with agreeing action in the earth, not just belief. Belief says God can do it, Faith says God will do it!
Renew your mind today and walk by faith. Jesus will never fail you. He is the author and finisher of our faith as we walk it out in the life that was given to us in the here and now.
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello