He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death and broke their chains in pieces. (Ps. 107:14)
We can all relate to this word. At one time we were bound by darkness and we were hopeless. It is when we reach the lowest depth of despair, that we encounter God the greatest. God is no respecter of persons, anyone can be freed from anything as long as they believe that God exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
The waiting period of the prisons of our lives serve as the foundation builders for greatness. It is what we learn during the bondage that qualifies us for working with the lost. How can we walk through someone else’s pain with them if we have not endured the darkest of our days? Jesus Himself has felt and endured all that we go through so that He would understand our heartaches and have compassion on us. We are to be Jesus in this world, therefore we are being molded into His image daily to mirror God for a lost and dying world.
In order for chains to be broken, there first must be the application of those chains. Those chains can be anything from physical suffering to addictions to mental anguish to total inner confusion. Whatever is thrown at us by Satan, do not view it as just an attack. Look for the hand of God in everything in our lives, for God even uses what the devil does to benefit us. God doesn’t cause bad things to happen but He certainly will use bad things to mold us and make us shining and bright lights in darkness.
When pure gold is desired, it is put through a fiery furnace many times over to remove the impurities. It is the same with us. It is in the fire of our lives that our chains are broken off and we become the purest gold there is, to shine for His glory for eternity.
All that you have gone through in life may have caused spiritual scars, but to heaven those scars are veins of gold that we get to wear for eternity for our King! Endure to the end. Be strong and encourage yourself for you are a mighty tool that God is using so that others can experience their chains being broken off!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello