So if you walk in My ways, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your days. (1 Kings3:14)
The Word of God is so clear. He who desires a long and joy filled life can have it, but there is an “IF” that applies! In a society filled with entitlement minded people, we feel because we believe in Jesus that we automatically are entitled to the things we want. If we live like the world and disobey God’s ways and expect His blessings, we are being double minded. The Word says a double minded man can expect to receive nothing from God. The “IF” is to walk in God’s ways, to follow His commandments and statutes.
The truth is that our future is largely made up of the choices we make now. We are free to make our own choices but we are not free from the consequences of those choices. No matter how far you feel you have gone away from God’s will, know that there is no one too far gone for Jesus. It is never too late to start making right decisions in your life. Cry out to God and He will answer. He is the friend of a wounded heart and He will satisfy you with length of days.
When we do cry out to God our motives must be correct. Many want freedom and want it badly, but they want it for relief of their symptoms so that they could live a pleasant life. Their motives are wrong. God is not in the healing business just to give us a comfortable life style. He is our Healer because He loves us and He wants us to be able to carry out His will in this earth for His kingdom. So let a man examine himself. In examining, if you feel that your motives are wrong, then ask God to change your heart. Ask Him for His love to love others.
A good life doesn’t necessarily mean many, many years, but rather what we have done with the years we’ve been given. There is no gain in living a long life full of selfishness and greed. There is great gain in a life lived full of devotion and love for God and people no matter how long or short it may be. Turn all over to God and fall under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. There is no better place than to be in His will and walk in obedience to Him. There is great blessing in obedience.
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello