The name of the Lord is a strong tower,the righteous run into it and they are safe. (Prov. 18:10)
Blessed be the name of the Lord. His name is a strong tower, a fortress! The righteous are those who are in right standing with God by the Blood of the Lamb. That is us! We run into that strong tower. How? If you live in Jesus by having His word living in you then you are running into safety. Thy word O Lord have I hid in my heart that I may not sin against thee.
Many times in our lives we run into trials and tribulations and we wonder, where is God in all this? I have known God to use the most difficult of heartaches to thrust me into the most grandest victories. If life was a constant peaceful drift, we would never need to resist anything. Just like in weight training, if you resist nothing, you never build muscle. It is the same with us, if we never had anything to resist, our spirit man would be weak and frail. God knows what we need and His heart hurts for us as we go through our valleys, but as a loving parent hurts for their child as a child suffers through painful life issues, the parent knows if they step in and take the problem themselves that the child will never learn and mature. Be still and know that God is God.
God is allowing many trials in our lives to build strong spiritual muscles in us all. Tribulation also works patience. Learn to be at peace just where you are rather than thinking peace will come when the storm is over. That is a non attaining goal beacuse as soon as a storm or trouble is over and dealt with, another arises soon after. If we seek for peace after the storm, we will never reach it. There will always be another situation ready to grab our joy. It is our duty not to allow anything to rob us of our joy. When our joy and peace our allowed to be diminished, then so is our power. Remember, the joy of the Lord is our strength. If we have no joy, we have no strength. Don’t allow the enemy to steal your joy! Fight and resist him and he will flee. Run into the arms of Jesus, our strong tower!
Pastor Michael Cannatello
TMMC The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello