Constant Supply

Mountain Landscape - Leh, Ladakh, IndiaMy God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Phill. 4:19)

We are all guilty of wanting stored up supplies for a future use. Stored up food for a tragedy that might happen, stored up finances for the day when we might have a terrible need or even a stored up imagination in our mind that we have everything we need to meet any challenge that comes our way. God did not create us to depend on our own ways and means. He designed us to totally depend and lean on Him at all times and in every circumstance. It would be so easy if we could just store up peace for the future or miracles for tomorrow. If we could, then why would we need faith? It is faith that pleases God and faith that moves His hand on our behalf.

When Moses and the Israelites were faced with the sea on one side and the Egyptians on the other, they needed faith. They did not have the solution to their problem stored up before they believed God. They had to believe God when everything looked impossible then the answer came. When they had no food, God sent manna that could not be stored up or else it would go bad. They needed to depend on God daily for their provision instead of storing up for their tomorrow.

God is saying this very moment that we need to depend on Him totally, every day for everything. All the financial savings in the world, all the stored food in the world, all the preparation in the world does not equate to being saved from destruction. These things are not evil, they are good. What is evil is our dependence on them. Our dependence needs to be on God and nothing else.

True success in God’s eyes is not what we have accumulated or achieved. Success in His eyes is our dependence upon Him. He says,” when we are weak, He is made strong.” God desires that we depend on Him when we have no answers. When this life with all its sickness, sin and decay are evident all around, our trust in Him needs to soar to great heights. All that we need will be available at the time that we need it, not before or after but at that time of need. God is a God of the here and now. If we live in yesterday we live in shame. If we live in tomorrow we live in fear. If we live in the now we live in power. Stay in the now and receive God’s constant supply!

Pastor Michael Cannatello