Continue In The Faith


now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless and above reproach in His sight, if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast,and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard,which was preached to every creature under heaven,of which I,Paul,became a minister. (Colossians 1,21-23)

The bible says that God’s word is sharper than a double edged sword, separating the soul from the spirit (Hebrews 4:12). Soul and spirit are not the same or else how could they be separated? When the enemy has access to our soul through open doors such as habitual sin or a generational curse, we then we need deliverance.

Jesus has reconciled us but we must act on that reconciliation. We can not stay in sin and believe we are free from the devil’s attacks. It is also evident in these verses that salvation is not as some believe. Once saved, always saved simply isn’t true. Paul states that we must continue in the faith, not just try it out and expect all the benefits without the sacrifice of dying to sin. We can not walk in the world, be drunk, party, fornicate, partake in pornography, commit adultery, take God’s name in vain, lie, cheat and steal and expect God’s blessings to be upon us. We are not under the law, but does that mean we can disregard it? Certainly not. We are not saved by the law, but it is still truth.The evidence of our salvation is the adherence to God’s way of living. 1 John tells us that we know that we have eternal life if we love God, love the brethren and keep His commandments. When 1 John was written, there was no new testament yet, so the commandments John is speaking of are those from the old testament.

When God’s word tells us that we are not to have a sin consciousness, it is referring to all the past sins that we have repented from. So many Christians believe that they can sin continually without consequence. That is deception. Whatever a man sows, that shall he reap. Stay away from sin, keep the doors closed to the enemy. We are even told in the word to make no place for the enemy, which means that a Christian can make place for him, through sin.

We have been reconciled, now let us stay holy and blameless and not stay in a known course of sin but let us have a repentant heart and a mind that stays upon Him and continues in the faith!

Living for Jesus is not about perfection but there is growth that takes place in our lives. We all sin, the key is to get back up!

TMMC-The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello