Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. (1 Corinthians 6:18)
Sexual sin is no worse a sin in God’s eyes than any other. Sin is sin and all sin separates us from God, however there are different consequences to different sins while we are here on earth. The reason why God’s word singles out sexual sin in this scripture is because sexual sin is a sin against our own body as well as against God’s order. It is a sin against the nature of how God created us.
Most everyone has sinned sexually and we can stand on God’s Word and know for sure that whatever was in the past is dead if we have repented before God. God sees us as His own. We no longer have to accept the curse that comes with sin and we have a King that walks us through the consequences of our past.
One of the trappings of sexual sin is a connection that we make between us and the person or persons we sinned with. This is called a soul tie. A soul tie is a spiritual bridge that allows the demons from one person to enter another. The more we sleep around the more bridges we make and the more demons we inherit. Those demons do not leave until their legal rights are broken and they are cast out through the mighty name of Jesus. Those demons reside in the mind and the body and they can cause anything from physical sickness to mental anguish. God wants His people whole and healed. 3 John 1:2 tells us,”I pray that you prosper and be in good health as your soul prospers.” That means if our soul, which is our mind, will and emotions are not prospering due to demons attached to it, then our body will not be healed. Don’t let the devil rob you of your victory because you feel as though you deserve any particular issue you are dealing with in your body or mind. First, confess your sins to God and then He will forgive you of your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness and you can start the healing process. Once repentance has taken place, ask The Holy Spirit what demons you are dealing with and command them to leave you in Jesus’ name!
Learn to fly high above the hurdles in life instead of standing by them and measuring how big they are. Learn to mount up with wings as eagles. The higher you fly with God and get to know Him, the smaller everything else looks from high above. Before troubles are removed, they must first become of little bother to you because your focus is so great on Jesus. What you focus on becomes your giant. Focus on Jesus not your circumstances or situations!
Fly high my friends, fly high!
TMMC-The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello