Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.(Psalm 18:14)
In order for our words to be acceptable to God, we must know how He speaks. We know how He speaks by knowing His Word. In order for our thoughts to be acceptable to God, we must put on the mind of Christ. The battlefield is in the mind and if our battlefield is filled with good ground for the enemy through poor thinking, then we will lose the battle.
Our mind needs to be filled with God’s Word. That kind of battlefield will always be a horror for the enemy. The enemy can never win a battle against a mind that is stayed upon Jesus. For when it is, it is in perfect peace. I remember when my mind was not my own to control. My mind was controlled by never ending thoughts of terror and fear. The thoughts that were in my mind were horrific and opposite of who I was. There was something controlling what I thought and I felt as though I had no power over my thinking. When I realized that unknowingly I had turned my mind over to the enemy through years of drug abuse, I learned to evict the evil that had taken residence in my mind and renounced it. Through a long battle for my mind, I won! I had to fight for what Jesus had already purchased for me on Calvary. Freedom is never free, nor is it easy, but it is worth fighting for. Remember that even if you lose a battle, that the war has been won by Jesus, so pick yourself up and fight the good fight of faith. A righteous man falls seven times but each time he gets himself back up.
Our strength is in Jesus and He is the One that purchased us back to the Father. That is what redemption is. Ask God to let the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart be acceptable in His sight and watch how it transforms your mind and your life!
Pastor Michael Cannatello