He has made everything beautiful in its time. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
Sometimes it is hard to see beauty in the trials we go through or the valleys we walk through. It is the very fire of refining that brings forth pure gold. God knows the end from the beginning, we know just what we see. Our faith in Him is exercised like a muscle when we are trusting in the Lord without knowing the outcome except that He has us in the palm of His hand.
What you are facing now that seems too hard to endure, is actually your road to beauty. When I was homeless, I didn’t see anything beautiful in it, yet today my level of thanks is so great because of that experience. Now I see the beauty in what I went through. When I was told I had six months to live due to aggressive HIV disease decades ago, I saw no beauty in that diagnosis, but now all these years later I have seen the beauty of faith that it caused me to obtain. Many times the beauty of the gifts you experience are attached to the amount of pain and suffering you have endured.The trials that you are facing today are the doors to your victories of tomorrow. Trust Him with all your heart, He will see you through and you will come out of the fire refined and pure as gold.
Being refined is a daily process and it goes against human nature. Being refined hurts but it is that refining that removes all the impurities in our life. Without being refined, we can not look like Jesus. All of us are a work in progress and each day we are looking more and more like the Sons of God as we allow the fire of refining to destroy the parts of us that need to be burnt up. Those parts are jealousy, lust, anger, perversion, selfishness, etc… Whatever needs to be removed, allow Him to do it. He knows best how to purify each of us in His own perfect way! Only He can make everything beautiful!
Pastor Michael Cannatello
The Ministry of Michael Cannatello TMMC